Campaign Insights

Senator Robert Menendez: Public Opinion on Guilt and Resignation

Senator Robert Menendez
Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey has been under fire in recent months over corruption charges. A recent poll has shed light on how Americans view the charges against Menendez, whether he should resign, and their political affiliations.
Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey has been under fire in recent months over corruption charges. A recent poll has shed light on how Americans view the charges against Menendez, whether he should resign, and their political affiliations. We asked over 1,700 New Jersey residents how they felt about the charges being brought against one of their elected officials.

Public Opinion on Guilt

Do you think Senator Robert Menendez is guilty of the charges against him?
The poll found that 45.8% of respondents believe Senator Menendez is guilty of the charges against him, while 35% believe he is not guilty. The remaining 19.3% are unsure or do not know.

Public Opinion on Resignation

Should he resign from his position as Senator?
When asked whether Senator Menendez should resign from his position, 50.3% of respondents said yes, while 33% said no. The remaining 16.7% are unsure or do not know.

Political Affiliation

Which political party do you most identify with?
The poll also found that 64.8% of respondents identify with the Democratic Party, while 35.2% identify with the Republican Party. These results are in line with the overall political makeup of New Jersey.


The poll results suggest that a significant portion of the public believes Senator Menendez is guilty of the charges against him and that he should resign from his position. Additionally, it is worth noting that the poll was conducted before the upcoming midterm elections, which could potentially impact public opinion on the matter.
Overall, the poll provides valuable insights into public opinion on Senator Robert Menendez and the charges against him. As the legal proceedings continue to unfold, it will be interesting to see how public opinion evolves.

The Process

By leveraging our Realtime Polling technology, we keep our finger on the pulse of the American public. From views on candidates, to the issues that resonate in homes across the country, our goal is to get an accurate, real-time reaction to real issues. With such an impactful tool, it’s important we continue to highlight relevant data and reveal how Americans are really feeling.
Campaign Insights’ Realtime Polling surveys differ from traditional online surveys in that the questions are shown to the user on web pages in place of an ad. Unlike Google Surveys, which block access to content until the questions are answered, Realtime Polling surveys are optional, thus ensuring that participants are responding voluntarily.